Dental Bridges for Missing Teeth: Improving Your Smile and Oral Health

dental bridges for missing teeth improving your smile and oral health

Missing some teeth makes activities like eating and talking quite difficult. This affects mouth functionality and therefore your smile, thus your confidence. Fortunately, considering dental bridge near you can provide an effective solution to these issues.

What is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is a prosthetic device used to replace missing teeth, helping to fill the gap where teeth have been lost. It generally consists of three main components:

  • Abutment teeth: These are the teeth on either side of the gap, and they hold the bridge in place.
  • Pontic: This is an artificial tooth that fills the gap left by the missing tooth. The pontic is connected to either side of the gap of a natural tooth or dental implant.
  • Crown: Each abutment tooth is capped with a crown, strengthening it to hold the bridge. Crowns appear and function like a natural tooth, making it easier for the individual to perform daily activities.

Types of Dental Bridges

Dental bridges come in different types; when you visit a local dental practice, your dentist near you will help you choose the right one that can meet your needs. The main ones include:

  • Traditional bridge: This is the most common type of dental bridge. It makes use of crowns on the abutment teeth and, in the middle, a pontic that makes it strong and appear like natural teeth.
  • Cantilever bridge: This type of bridge is used when there are abutment teeth on only one side of the gap. It is less common but used in certain conditions.
  • Maryland bridge: Also known as a resin-bonded bridge, in this method dentists do not use crowns. It makes use of a metal or plastic structure attached to the back of abutment teeth.
  • Implant-supported bridge: This type of dental bridge doesn’t require natural teeth for support. It utilizes dental implants—metal posts placed into the jawbone to hold the bridge.

Dental Bridge Procedure

A dental bridge procedure helps to fill the gap where the tooth is missing. Generally, the following steps are involved in this process:

  • Abutment teeth preparation: The abutment teeth would be prepared in the shape that the crowns would be placed over them. This might require some removal of the structure from a tooth.
  • Impression: Next, the dentist takes impressions of your teeth. These impressions are a mould showing what your mouth and teeth look like.
  • Temporary bridge: Until the permanent bridge is made, a temporary bridge is placed to protect the gap of missing teeth.
  • Fitting the bridge: Once the permanent bridge is ready, it will be fitted over the abutment teeth. The dentist will then assess the fitting and aesthetics of the bridge.

Importance of Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are important for several reasons:

  • Improving your smile: If you’re missing a tooth, it might impact your smile. A dental bridge can restore your smile with a natural look.
  • Helping to chew food: Teeth play a crucial role in digestion and thus in the maintenance of good health. Hence, if teeth are missing, you might not be eligible to eat some foods properly. Therefore, considering dental bridge in York can help you chew food well.
  • Preventing other teeth from moving: If teeth are missing, all the other teeth may start shifting towards the gap. This can cause a problem when biting the food. A dental bridge prevents other teeth from shifting and also holds them in their places.
  • Maintaining good oral health: Missing teeth can lead to problems for the jaw and gums. A dental bridge keeps your mouth healthy by filling gaps.

Tips to Take Care of a Dental Bridge

Good care is essential to maintaining the appearance of your dental bridge. Here are some useful tips to care for your dental bridge:

  • Brushing and flossing: At least brush your teeth twice a day and floss once every day. This will prevent plaque and bacteria from forming on your teeth and gums and keep your mouth healthy.
  • Visit a dentist regularly: Regular visits to the dentist ensure that everything is still in good condition and a time to have the bridge checked.
  • Avoid hard food: Hard or sticky foods that might damage the bridge must be avoided.

Restore Your Smile with Dental Bridges Today!

At Keele Crosstown Dental, we are committed to helping you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile. Our experienced team of dentist in York offers a range of dental services, including dental bridges, to restore your smile and improve your oral health. Whether you’re missing one tooth or several, we have the expertise and technology to provide you with the most effective care.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward a brighter, healthier smile!